Meet the Executive team

Dr Tim Dickson, President


Tim Dickson gained his medical degree from The University of Newcastle in 2004 and completed his internship and basic training at the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle. He also spent two years as an unaccredited orthopaedic registrar for the Hunter New England Health Service and two years as an accredited orthopaedic registrar on the Queensland Orthopaedic training scheme. Tim ultimately switched career paths to Radiology and relocated to Melbourne where he completed his radiology training at The Alfred Hospital in 2015 followed by an MRI, musculoskeletal imaging and intervention fellowship with Dr George Koulouris in East Melbourne.

Tim currently works in private practice in East Melbourne focusing on musculoskeletal imaging and intervention as well as holding a visiting medical officer position at the Alfred Hospital in MR imaging. Tim has presented at previous AMSIG meetings and was the co-convener for the most recent AMSIG ASM in Melbourne 2017.

Dr Shaun Fowler, Incoming President


Dr Shaun Fowler completed his undergraduate medical degree in 1992, graduating with honours, from the University of Adelaide. Dr Fowler became a fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiology in 1997 and then undertook further sub-specialist fellowship training in the USA, in both Musculoskeletal and Interventional Radiology.

Dr Fowler is also affiliated with the Australasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG), European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology, Society of Skeletal Radiology (USA) and the South Australian Sports Medicine Association.

Dr Fowler has worked in South Australia since 2000 and has established himself as a leader in the provision of subspecialty diagnostic and therapeutic Musculoskeletal Radiology. Dr Fowler has been providing a high-level service to the many South Australian elites and amateur athletes and sporting teams for over a decade.

Outside of radiology, Dr Fowler spends time with his five children and enjoys basketball, golf, travel and fine dining and wine.

Dr Emily Davidson, Secretary


Dr Emily Davidson is an Australian Radiologist with subspecialty fellowship training in Musculoskeletal Imaging, currently working in Sydney Australia at Castlereagh Imaging and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital. She is currently on the AMSIG Executive as Secretary, previously serving on the education subcommittee, co-convener of the AMSIG scientific conference in 2021, and program committee for the combined ISS multisociety meeting in 2023 in London. She completed her MRI Musculoskeletal Radiology Fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), New York, USA. During her time at HSS, Dr Davidson was awarded the Charles Christian Award for excellence in Musculoskeletal research and the Robert Freiberger Fellowship research award. Radiology training was at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, Australia.

Dr Sally Sojan, Treasurer


Dr Sally Sojan graduated from the University of Queensland in 1996 with a Bachelor of Surgery and a Bachelor of Medicine and undertook her training in radiology at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane, Queensland. She completed a Fellowship in nuclear medicine at the Royal Brisbane Hospital and at the Royal Adelaide Hospital. This was followed by a Fellowship in MRI and musculoskeletal imaging at Queensland X-Ray in Brisbane, Queensland. She worked previously for South Coast Radiology on the Gold Coast and in Toowoomba. She is currently with Queensland X-Ray Toowoomba.

Dr Quentin Reeves, Outgoing President


Quentin Reeves was a founding member of AMSIG and was convenor of the Annual Scientific Meetings in Auckland in 2004 and 2015.

Quentin graduated from University of Auckland Medical School in 1983 and completed his radiology training in Auckland in 1990. He was a fellow in Musculoskeletal Radiology at University of California Los Angeles 1990-91. He worked in Sydney as a partner at Castlereagh Radiology from 1991-2000 and was also a VMO at Prince of Wales Hospital. Quentin was a member of the radiology team at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games and the 2006 Commonwealth Games. He returned to New Zealand in 2000 and currently works at Auckland City Hospital as a musculoskeletal radiologist and is also the managing radiologist at Specialist Radiology and MRI, a subspecialty musculoskeletal radiology practice.

Particular areas of interest for Quentin include MRI and Spinal intervention as well as musculoskeletal nuclear medicine, including SPECT CT. He has published in peer reviewed journals and lectured in New Zealand and overseas.

Quentin is a member of the RANZCR New Zealand Branch Executive and a member of the NZ RANZCR Musculoskeletal Reference Committee, which liaises with Orthopaedic and other specialist colleges as well as funding providers.

The Education

The Education Subcommittee is composed of AMSIG members appointed by the AMSIG Executive. Its role is to assist with planning future events and educational material at the request of the executive. This includes assisting with the appointment of conveners and suggesting themes and speakers for meetings that AMSIG hosts or with which the organisation is involved, such as the Annual Scientific Meeting and International Intersociety Meetings. Members of the Executive may also sit on the subcommittee when required.

The chair of the subcommittee should be a convener of the next Annual Scientific Meeting and reports directly to the Executive at the regular Executive Committee Meetings.

Current Members of the Education Subcommittee are:

Dr Tom Entwistle, Chair
Dr Emily Davidson
Dr Al Eason
Dr David Dow
Dr Peter Counsel