AMSIG MSK Research Grant Applications
If you have an MSK imaging research project requiring funding, AMSIG can provide up to $10,000 once your application is approved by the executive. The purpose of these research grants is to foster and provide research experience to AMSIG members including students.
Grants may also support an initial pilot project prior to a larger grant submission to another funding body. Applicants are required to complete a detailed application form for consideration by the AMSIG Radiology Research Committee (see button below).
Funding is restricted to $10,000 per project. Timelines and topics are not restricted and allocations will be at the discretion of the AMSIG Research Committee. Successful funding applicants are asked to present their research at an AMSIG meeting and to submit their work for publication.
The Australasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) provides a forum for the professional development of musculoskeletal imaging in Australia and New Zealand.
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